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This page has a variety of information to learn more about your back, its problems and treatments along with links to my talks, my blog and fact pages on various back conditions and how I treat them. Do join me on my social networks to keep updated on various holistic ways to improve your lifestyle and spinal health. I look forward to hearing from you!


To make things easier, I have included facts files for all the various back conditions and I treat in my scope of practice. These sheets answer a variety of questions and will make it easier for you to make more informed choices about your back problem and its treatment options.Simply click on a link to download the pdf fact sheets for your records and easier offline reference.

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For Better Spinal Health

JOIN DR BAJEKAL ON INSTAGRAM AND SOCIAL MEDIA Join me on my social accounts to learn about various lifestyle and orthopaedic tips for better spinal health and overall well being. I regularly shares lifestyle tips and diet changes and exercises that help maintain optimal bone health. My personal blog also contains a multitude of information on a variety of spinal treatments, procedures and ways to alleviate spinal issues. Click the icon to join me on your preferred social media engine!

Rajiv Bajekal is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon with special interest in Spinal and Back-related issues. He has developed a pragmatic approach to managing back pain and sciatica with non-surgical techniques, injections and minimally invasive techniques. Mr Bajekal is also a Board-Certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner and believes in providing lifestyle medicine advice to his patients for better long term health gains and better spinal health. He has been consulting since 1998. He consults both privately and on the National Health Service (NHS) and is passionate about making sure patients are in control of their healthcare.

Mr Bajekal is a member of the following institutions:

  • British Medical Association (BMA)
  • British Association of Spine Surgeons
  • British Society of Lifestyle Medicine (BSLM)
  • Plant-Based Health Professionals